April.1st 2015
Active: 5849
Sold: 1764
Average List Price: $487,943...
Average Sale Price: $474,078
Average Days on Market: 34 Days
Sellers are getting 97% of asking price, 30% of homes on the market today are expected to sell within the next 30 days. The absorption rate is at 3.31% meaning we are in a balanced market.

If you would like more information about the current Calgary Real Estate Market, please call Billy Peshke at 403-466-8353 or Yasin Peshke at 403-681-0319.

4586 Views, 0 Comments

April.1st 2015
Active: 371
Sold: 139
Average List Price: $389,512...
Average Sale Price: $381,276
Average Days on Market: 34 Days
Sellers are getting 97% of asking price, 37% of homes on the market today are expected to sell within the next 30 days. The absorption rate it at 2.66% meaning we are currently in a balanced market.

If you would like more information about the current Airdrie Real Estate Market, please call Billy Peshke at 403-466-8353 or Yasin Peshke at 403-681-0319.

4790 Views, 0 Comments

Usually when you list your home, you would prefer to sell it quickly. It’s like being the first one served at a crowded ice cream parlour. It’s satisfying. However, sometimes there’s more to it than that. There may be a truly urgent reason why you need to find a buyer for your property as soon as possible, such as a sudden job relocation. If that’s the case, it’s important to explain your situation to your REALTOR®, who will be able to put together an action plan for selling your home quickly and for the best price possible. During that conversation, ask what you can do to help the process along. For example, you may be able to:

• Spread the word to your friends and other connections on Facebook.

• Canvass your neighbours and tell them about your…

4132 Views, 1 Comments

If you’re thinking of shopping for a new home, one of the first considerations is price range. You want to know what you can reasonably afford.

How do you figure that out?

First of all, you need to determine the initial out-of-pocket costs you will need to cover. There are often more costs associated with purchasing a home than its actual price. You need to take into account such additional expenses as moving costs, legal fees, and a home inspection, not to mention the costs of prepping your current property for sale.

Experts say you should budget 5-10% above the purchase price for these items. So if you can afford to spend $470K on a new home, you should be shopping in the $425 - $445K range.

Another factor to consider is the potential…

4071 Views, 0 Comments

Sometimes we don't have much choice about selling our home and buying another. Circumstances, such as a job relocation, may have made that choice for us. However, most often the decision to move is discretionary. Sometimes people move simply because they think it's a good idea. They feel that "now" is the right time to find their next dream home. So how do you make that kind of decision? There are, of course, many reasons to make a discretionary move. Usually, those reasons fall into one of two categories: need and want. You may need to find a new home, for example, because you've outgrown your current property. Perhaps you have a growing family and require more space. Maybe you're doing more entertaining and need a larger backyard with a more spacious…

4059 Views, 0 Comments

Have you ever driven up to a restaurant and your first impression was disappointing?

Perhaps the windows looked dark and gloomy, the façade was worn and unattractive or for some other reason it just didn't look like a tempting place to eat.  It could still be a fantastic restaurant – a real gem. But, your first impression has soured your anticipation. If you still walk through the front door, it will likely be with the expectation of being disappointed.  This scenario often plays out in the real estate market as well.   A buyer drives up to a home for sale and quickly forms an impression based on what he sees "from the curb". That's why you'll hear real estate experts talk about the importance of "curb appeal". It's one of the most important selling…

4378 Views, 0 Comments

 "Staging” your home is all about making the space in your home as appealing as possible to buyers. You may already know the basics, such as eliminating clutter. Here are some other tips that are less well known yet very effective:

  • Chandeliers. Surprisingly, these are one of the simplest ways to make a foyer, dining room or living room dramatically more eye-catching. You can buy a good-looking chandelier for a few hundred dollars.
  • New linen. This is something many home sellers don't consider, but should. Replace any worn linen – sheets, coverings, towels, and even oven mitts with new ones. Believe it or not, new linen makes a big impression on buyers.
  • Pedestal sinks. It may not be practical for you to replace a bathroom sink. However, if you…

4797 Views, 0 Comments

Imagine you're viewing a potential new home. You walk in the front door and are instantly impressed. You explore the property room by room and like what you see.

Then there's something you notice that's not quite right. What’s that!? An odour. You realize that it's likely cat dander and, now that you've identified it, you smell it everywhere. Suddenly the home doesn't seem as attractive as it did just moments earlier.

The owner of the property is probably so used to the smell that he doesn't even notice it. Neither does anyone else in the household.

So, when marketing your home for sale, be scent sensitive. Think about the odours that you may have become used to but others are likely to notice. Even odours you think are pleasant, like the strong…

3945 Views, 0 Comments

When some people think about selling their home, they imagine all the things they will have to do: paint the kitchen, clean closets, prepare for viewings, find another home, arrange financing, start packing, etc. It can all seem very overwhelming very quickly.

In fact, the long to-do list you imagine you’ll have to deal with may dissuade you from making a move!

It doesn't have to be that way.

There are many ways to make selling your home and buying another relatively simple and easy.

Sure, there will be some work to do. You may need to prepare your property so that it looks appealing to potential buyers – cleaning, decluttering, doing some repairs, etc. Of course, you will also need to view some properties for sale in order to find your next…

4063 Views, 0 Comments

Buyers are more likely to make an offer on your home if they see a lot of things they love about it. So what do buyers love to see?

One of the main things they like to see is a lot of space. Of course, you can't change the size of your rooms, but there is a lot you can do to make small spaces in your home seem more spacious.

Buyers also love to see a clean and uncluttered home. Think of how inviting a hotel room looks at first glance, with everything neat and organized. Of course, your home isn't a hotel, but the neater and attractive you can make each room, the better.

One thing buyers don't love to see is potential maintenance issues. Get things fixed or updated as much as you can, before deciding to sell. 

In fact, the more "finished" and…

4101 Views, 0 Comments